172 CEA members will soon be joining their colleagues from around the country in San Diego for the National Education Association Representative Assembly. The NEA RA is the highest decision-making body within the over 3.2 million-member NEA. With over 9,000 delegates, the RA is also the world’s largest democratic deliberative body.
A different city is chosen to host the NEA RA every year, and this year it will be held in San Diego July 1 – 6. NEA RA delegates debate the vital issues that impact U.S. public education and set Association policy and activities for the year ahead.
Earlier this year, CEA members elected their peers to represent their concerns as delegates to the NEA RA. Delegates represent state and local affiliates, student members, retired members, and other segments of the NEA membership.
2009 CEA delegates had their first chance to meet each other this past Monday at the All Delegates Meeting, held at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington. This meeting is held at the beginning of June every year.
In addition to providing delegates with an opportunity to meet one another before the trip to California, the meeting also allows for important discussion on the issues that will come before delegates at the NEA RA. A brief orientation precedes the meeting to better prepare new delegates for their first NEA RA.