A dozen CEA Aspiring Educators shared with Education Committee Co-Chair Rep. Jennifer Leeper and Co-Vice Chair Rep. Kevin Brown how difficult the path to teaching is today with costs that mount during unpaid student teaching and low salaries once they finally enter the profession and begin to pay back student loans.
Dozens of CEA members testified in support of a bill, crafted by library media specialists, that would ensure every school library has clear policies on how book collections are developed and reviewed.
CEA leaders have joined colleagues from across the country in Washington, D.C., this week to remind Congress of the vital role public schools play in our democracy.
Southington Magazine interviews Eric Galviano, a fourth grade teacher a Flanders Elementary School.
Come to an hour-long CEA virtual roundtable discussion to share your feedback about what would truly move the needle to improve special education for students and educators.
From the impact of dismantling the U.S. Department of Education to concerns about being challenged for using a student’s preferred pronouns, teachers have many questions about the rapidly changing education landscape.
Two hundred CEA members and lawmakers came together for CEA’s Breakfast with Legislators, which allowed members to share their firsthand experience with the special education crisis, the need to raise teacher salaries, ensuring fairness in the workplace, and more.
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To help students understand the reality of Black people’s experiences in American history, their impact on American culture, and to celebrate their achievements, NEA has compiled a selection of lesson plans that cover a variety of subjects.