Killingly Schools to Get Mental Health Clinics

Teacher and community advocacy results in a long-overdue win for Killingly students, who were denied access to school-based mental health services.


West Hartford Middle Schoolers Are National Kids’ Lit Champions

A team of students at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford—coached by English teacher Dr. Sara Tamborello and library media specialist Shannon McNeice—took first place in the U.S. National Kids’ Lit Quiz Championship.


Culturally Responsive Education in Your Classroom

“As a little Black girl, I didn’t feel seen or heard,” says South Windsor math coach Michelle McKnight, who has taught and led training in social justice math. “That’s why I decided to go into education.”


Scam Alert: The Truth Behind Those Mailers and Emails

Earlier this summer Fairfield Education Association President Mick McGarry heard from some of his members that they’d received fliers encouraging them to “exercise their rights.” When they read the fine print, they realized the fliers were really advocating that they exercise their “right” to lose the benefits of union membership.


CEA Celebrates Gala Back for a Second Year

Join fellow teachers and education supporters on Friday, September 27, for a CEA Celebrates Gala Fundraiser recognizing 176 years of elevating and advocating on behalf of the teaching profession.


Nominations Open for Teen Girls to Be Recognized by the White House

Do you know any high school girls working for change in their communities? The White House Gender Policy Council is seeking nominations for girls ages 14 to 18 who are leading change by tackling important issues facing their communities.


Teachers Bond with Colleagues, Unwind at the Yard Goats

The school year can be stressful, which is why when teachers get a chance to unwind, as they did at a recent CEA Teacher Appreciation Yard Goats Game, they take full advantage of the opportunity.


Teachers Enjoy ‘One of the Best Days of the Year’ Golfing for a Great Cause

From first-time golfers to those who have been playing for decades, the 29th annual Hands Across the Green Golf Tournament guaranteed a great day for everyone while raising money for the Connecticut Education Foundation (CEF).


Why We Won’t Get What We Put into Social Security

Attend a webinar July 25 with CEA President Kate Dias and Vice President Joslyn DeLancey to learn more about WEP/GPO, how the laws penalize educators, and what we can do to repeal them.