Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Students, Families, and Educators


To establish a community for Connecticut LGBTQ+ educators and allies which advocates for the community through collaboration, support, resources and professional development/workshops. We are dedicated to celebrating a culture of inclusivity, promoting equity throughout our communities, and providing a safe space for all students, families and educators.


Resources to Support LGBTQ+ Students

As educators, CEA members prepare students to be ready to thrive in a world full of diverse people. Learn how you and your school can better support LGBTQ+ students with these resources.

CEA Pride Joins the Parade

It was a beautiful sunny day for Middletown’s annual Pride Parade this Saturday, and for the first time CEA members joined in the parade as a group—marching under the CEA Pride banner.

Teachers bundled up for the cold stand behind a CEA Pride banner outside at night.

Teachers Show Support at Rally to Reinstate Pride Flags

Pride flags used to wave proudly over Enfield town buildings, but not anymore. Earlier this month the Town Council passed a resolution stating that only the American flag, Connecticut state flag, and military flags could fly on town-owned property.

Educating with Pride

Learn about your rights as an LGBTQ+ educator and how you can support your LGBTQ+ students.

Teachers Turn Out for Pride

In a show of solidarity and celebration, CEA members kicked off a new school year of Pride this Saturday in Hartford.

More than 90 CEA members comprised Connecticut's delegation to the 2023 NEA Representative Assembly.

NEA RA New Business Items Strengthen Public Education

Connecticut’s delegation to the 2023 NEA Representative Assembly deliberated and voted on new business items to strengthen the organization and its support of public education.

Stonington Education Association Comes Together to Get Pride Flags Back in Classrooms

Stonington teachers organized to ensure safe, welcoming environments for their students.

CEA Delegates Honor Awardees Including Jim Obergefell at LGBTQ+ Caucus Dinner

Days at the NEA Representative Assembly are long for Connecticut delegates, but that doesn’t stop them from participating in evening activities including the Human and Civil Rights Awards Dinner and…

Teacher Resources


Seminal Protections for LGBTQ+ employees

  • The Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) case
    • US Supreme Court case held that federal law prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of sex necessarily prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. Why is this so important?
    • While State legislatures across the country are attempting to implement anti-LGBTQ+ laws, Federal law supersedes State law. There are several Federal gender anti-discrimination laws already in place.
  • Public school employees are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination against employees based on numerous characteristics such as sex, gender identity and sexual orientation. This means an employer cannot consider an employee’s sexual orientation or gender identity when deciding who to hire, fire, promote, assign responsibilities, set salary, benefits, or any other significant aspect of employment. Employers also cannot harass employees based on their LGBTQ+ status or allow others to create a hostile work environment for LGBTQ+ employees.
  • Following Bostock, most Federal agencies and courts have also determined that Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in schools, also prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Title IX additionally prohibits discrimination in fringe benefits, selection and financial support for conferences, employer-sponsored activities and leave related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Connecticut specific protections

  • Connecticut specifically also provides protections for LGBTQ+ people in employment.
  • Since 1991, Connecticut has prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation in public and private employment, housing, public accommodations, and credit. In July 2011, these laws were extended to protect transgender people when Governor Malloy signed Public Act 11- 55, An Act Concerning Discrimination, into law. The act, which went into effect on October 1, 2011, added “gender identity or expression” to Connecticut’s list of protected classes.

What do these cases and protections mean for me?

  • You have the right to be out at work. You have the right to be out and proud, when and how you choose. You also have the right to keep your gender identity and sexual orientation private. Your school cannot punish you for sharing that you’re LGBTQ+ —including with students or their families—in an appropriate way.
  • You have the right to be open about your relationships and family. Your employer can’t treat you, your partner, or your family differently because you’re LGBTQ+, or from mentioning your family or relationships in an appropriate way or keeping family pictures at work.
  • You have the right to live as your true gender. You have the right to dress, use school restrooms and changing rooms, and otherwise live according to your gender identity. If you’re nonbinary and there are only men’s and women’s facilities, you have the right to say which option is most appropriate for you.
  • You have the right not to be misgendered or harassed. You have the right to be called by the name, pronouns, and titles that match who you are in every aspect of the school day, including gender-neutral pronouns (such as they) and title (such as Mx.). Your school is responsible for stopping harassment, including if coworkers intentionally and repeatedly misgender you.

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Out Film’s Connecticut LGBTQ Film Festival celebrates Pride Month with dozens of features, shorts

Out Film CT‘s annual Connecticut LGBTQ Film Festival has lasted for 37 years. That’s an extraordinary achievement, especially considering how challenging some of the recent years have been.


CT LGBTQ+ groups issue ‘best practices’ for Title IX expansion

The federal government issued new Title IX guidelines earlier this year, while Connecticut guidance was also updated this winter.


VICTORY: Court Declares NH Classroom Censorship Law Unconstitutional


Gender Sexuality Alliances