The Phil DiGiovanni Future Teacher Scholarship of the Connecticut Education Foundation (CEF) shall serve the following purposes:

  • To memorialize the contributions and service of Phil DiGiovanni to CEA and the teaching profession.
  • To assist and encourage highly qualified students to enter the teaching profession.
  • To offer financial assistance to the children of CEA members, CEA retired members, and CEA staff who intend to enter the teaching profession.
  • To offer continued professional support upon entry into the teaching profession.

The Award

CEF will award a $2000 scholarship for each year of undergraduate study leading to obtaining Connecticut teaching credentials.

Qualification Criteria

  1. At least one parent or legal guardian must be a current member of the Connecticut Education Association or a currently employed CEA staff member. (Active or Retired).
  2. The applicant must be enrolled as a full-time college school student who has completed at least three semesters or four trimesters within the last two years.
  3. The applicant must indicate evidence of pursuing interest in teaching as a career and confirm his/her intention to enter the teaching profession in Connecticut.
  4. The applicant must present evidence of maintaining a 3.0 cumulative index average on a 4 point scale during his/her college career.
  5. The applicant should provide instances of leadership roles, community activities, volunteer experience and financial need.

Continuing Eligibility

  1. The applicant must present evidence of pursuing a full time course of study that will result in obtaining teaching credentials in CT by May 1st of each calendar year.
  2. The applicant must present evidence to the President of CEF of sustaining a 3.0 cumulative average for each year of study by May 1st of each calendar year.

Application Form

To apply for this scholarship grant, download and fill out the application form listed below. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by June 15. Recipients will receive notification by certified or registered mail.

The DiGiovanni Future Teacher Scholarship application has been closed for 2024. Thank you for your submissions.

Application Form

To apply for this scholarship grant, download and fill out the application form listed below. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by June 15. Recipients will receive notification by certified or registered mail.

Reset your Password

Enter the email address you used to save your response to this form.

Scholarship Application Form

How Much?

The CEF President upon consultation with the Executive Director of the Connecticut Education Association, his/her designee, or the CEF Treasurer, may authorize requests for up to and including $150 per student.

Requests for over $150 per student may be authorized by a majority vote of the CEF Board of Directors. In rare instances, the Board may consider requests exceeding $500.

Unless specifically authorized by a majority vote of the CEF Board of Directors on a case by case basis, total requests from local associations shall not exceed the following: *

Urban locals (more than 1000) $7,200
Large locals (500-999) $3,000
Medium locals (250-499) $2,250
Small locals (1-249) $1,300

Requests will generate a notice to and/or conversation with the local president to inform them of the request. Local membership numbers are based on totals as of June 30th at the end of the previous fiscal year.

* Except in extraordinary circumstances and specifically authorized by a majority of the CEF Board of Directors.