Constructive Feedback Strategies
1.5 hours
This workshop is designed for complementary evaluators, peer coaches, department chairs, TEAM mentors, and anyone who wants to improve his or her skills at giving (and receiving) feedback. Constructive feedback encourages reflection and creates reciprocal pathways to improved performance. This workshop provides educators with specific, practical questioning strategies to build collegiality and empathy, encourage self-reflection, and help teachers enrich their practice and enhance student achievement. This session will be highly interactive, and participants will practice constructive coaching with several different partners
Dispute Resolution Strategies for Teacher Evaluation
1.5 hours
This highly interactive workshop is designed to provide teachers with practical strategies and structures to defuse and resolve disputes is an impartial, healthy, and transparent way. Useful for department chairs, PDEC representatives, dispute resolution committee members, and classroom teachers, these strategies can be applied to a variety of situations and contexts. Disputes resolved openly and fairly help foster trust and collegiality and promote a positive school culture. This workshop will involve role play, and participants will practice resolving common disputes.
ESSA: Implications for Your District — Title I Accountability
1.5 hours
The Every Child Succeeds Act, or ESSA, replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB), returning a degree of autonomy over accountability issues to the state level. This session focuses on Connecticut’s Title I ESSA plan and what it may mean for your district. Learn what flexibility and choices exist for districts and how to identify and overcome some of the challenges associated with quantifying non-academic indicators such as social-emotional growth.
Thinking Outside the Clock: PDEC Strategies to Save Time and Promote Collaboration
2 hours
“We don’t have time for this” is a common refrain uttered by teachers and administrators in school districts across the country. Common Core, standardized test preparation, a complex educator evaluation process, and ever-changing professional development mandates consume so much time that little remains for teachers to engage in meaningful collaboration focused on teaching and learning. This session identifies creative ways to rethink existing time without shortchanging instruction or infringing on teacher prep periods. This session is most useful for PDEC members, as many of the strategies focus on streamlining and simplifying the teacher evaluation process.
Contact CEA’s Professional Learning Academy
at 860-525-5641 or at