Mythbusters: Understanding Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities in the Special Education Process

2 hours

This workshop focuses on the laws regarding special education, with a particular emphasis on regular and special education teachers’ rights and responsibilities when participating in the special education process. Participants will learn what the law requires of them as well as what they can and cannot do in such areas as PPT meetings, drafting IEPs, and accommodating students in the regular education environment. The impact of special education laws on teachers’ working conditions will be integrated throughout the workshop.

Preventing and Responding to Assaults by Students

2 hours

As the demands to address all of a student’s academic and emotional needs have increased, it is vitally important that all teachers are informed of their legal rights and duties related to assaults by students.

Teachers will learn preventative measures and how to protect themselves and their students before an incident occurs; procedures to follow in the event of an assault; actions allowed by state law if self-defense is necessary to protect educators and students; reporting assaults or threats to administration and reporting requirements of administrators; how your Association can help you, protect your rights, and ensure a safe working environment; and safety provisions that can be negotiated into collective bargaining agreements.

Section 504: An Emerging Issue for Educators

2 hours

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is receiving increased attention in schools as more teachers than ever before are working with 504 students on a daily basis. This workshop will provide an overview of the civil rights law, including the 2008 changes, its procedural requirements (with an emphasis on the eligibility process) and relationship to the IDEA, and its applicability to such timely issues as AD(H)D, field trips, and allergies.

Teachers and the Law

2 hours

This presentation examines the rights and responsibilities of educators regarding a variety of legal issues, including DCF and state mandatory reporting laws, DCF investigations, Weingarten meetings, physical assaults on teachers, FOI, and other related matters.

Contact CEA’s Professional Learning Academy

at 860-525-5641 or at [email protected]