Your Pension-Your Future

The Facts About WEP/GPO

In a huge victory for teachers and other public servants, President Biden signed WEP/GPO repeal into law January 5, 2025. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) were penalties that, for forty years, negatively impacted educators and other public servants, preventing us from receiving the Social Security benefits we deserve. CEA members fought hard for repeal for decades, and this incredible win is thanks to our hard work.

Biden Signs Social Security Fairness into Law

In a huge victory for teachers and other public servants, WEP/GPO repeal is now the law of the land. CEA President Kate Dias had the honor of being present at the White House when President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act.


In Vote that Will Change Many Teachers’ Lives, Senate Repeals WEP/GPO

In what many teachers are calling the best holiday gift they could receive, the U.S. Senate has voted 76 to 20 to finally put an end to the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.


WEP/GPO Overview

GPO – Government Pension Offset

The GPO, passed in 1977, reduces by two-thirds, the Social Security spousal or survivor benefits of more than 1 million teachers and other public employees who receive their pension through a system like the Connecticut Teachers’ Retirement System that is not covered by social security.

  • Teacher’s pension = $4,000/month
  • Reduced by 2/3 = $2,666 cut from Social
    Security spousal benefit
  • In most cases that’s more than the spousal Social Security benefit, so teachers receive 0

WEP – Windfall Elimination Provision

WEP, passed in 1983, reduces the earned Social Security benefits of more than 2 million retired educators and other public sector workers in Connecticut and across the country, sometimes stealing as much as half of the amount they have earned.

For second career educators or those who work a second job outside of teaching where they pay into the Social Security system, WEP cuts up to half the total amount they receive from Social Security when they retire. Only those second career educators who have 30 or more years of substantial social security-covered employment are not impacted.

Read The CRS Report


PresentationSample Letter to CT DelegationWEP/GPO Talking PointsAction ToolkitNEA Action CenterFAQ’sCalculate Your BenefitsPrint FlyerShare Your StoryContact Your Federal Delegation

**Some slides contain typographical errors

2.5 million people including educators, firefighters, police officers, and other public sector jobs across the country are impacted.

Helpful Resources

WEP Calculator

If you are expecting to receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security, it may reduce the amount of Social Security benefits we can pay you.


GPO Calculator

The Government Pension Offset, or GPO, affects spouses, widows, and widowers with pensions from a federal, state, or local government job. It reduces their Social Security benefits in some cases.


Talking Points

These bullet points break down GPO and WEP and the bills that would repeal them.

Related Articles

Biden Signs Social Security Fairness into Law

In a huge victory for teachers and other public servants, WEP/GPO repeal is now the law of the land. CEA President Kate Dias had the honor of being present at the White House when President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act.


In Vote that Will Change Many Teachers’ Lives, Senate Repeals WEP/GPO

In what many teachers are calling the best holiday gift they could receive, the U.S. Senate has voted 76 to 20 to finally put an end to the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.


Senate Will Vote Next Week on WEP/GPO Repeal

After 40 years of fighting, the U.S. Senate is finally scheduled to vote next week on repealing the unjust Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), which would at long last give teachers the Social Security benefits they deserve.


Senator Schumer Tells Labor Leaders Senate Will Vote on WEP/GPO Repeal

“I am here to tell you—we are going to call the vote!” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced to a crowd including CEA President Kate Dias and Vice President Joslyn DeLancey gathered outside the U.S. Capitol.


Urgent Action Needed to Repeal WEP/GPO

Take action today to urge U.S. Senators to repeal WEP/GPO once and for all. Time is very short, and we must act now before the Senate’s holiday break.


Teachers’ Advocacy Pays Off with Milestone House Vote to Repeal WEP/GPO

The U.S. House of Representatives took a historic step by voting to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). Now, it’s the U.S. Senate’s turn to make this repeal a reality.



Media Chronicles



of those penalized
are women
Reduces Social Security retirement or disability benefits by up to half.
Of educators married to someone who earned Social Security, will lose all of their spousal, widow, or widower Social Security benefits that are based on their spouse’s earnings.