Nearly 40 new CEA delegates attended an early morning breakfast and orientation session that CEA held on July 1 for first-time delegates. During roundtable discussions delegates receive information to help prepare them for procedures and issues they will deal with at the NEA RA.
CEA delegates have joined their colleagues from around the country in San Diego for the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly (NEA RA). More details about the NEA RA are in this previous post. New delegates participated in an orientation today and the Connecticut delegation held their first California caucus.
We’ll be providing updates on CEA members’ participation in this year’s NEA RA here at BlogCEA. You can find updates from NEA here.
Click “more” below to see more photos of CEA members arriving in San Diego and starting business.

South Windsor Education Association delegates John Hackett (left), Glenn Flanders, and Nancy Peck are among the 172 CEA delegates attending CEA’s first caucus meeting in San Diego on July 1. Delegates discussed and voted on several proposed amendments to the NEA constitution and bylaws and the standing rules of the NEA RA.

Bridgeport Education Association delegate Victoria White looks over material during the July 1 CEA caucus in San Diego. She is among 10 BEA members elected as delegates to represent their local at the 2009 NEA RA.
CEA delegates arrived yesterday at their hotel in San Diego and, after registration, enjoyed a few hours or relaxation before today’s early morning start.

CEA RA Planning Committee members and CEA staff greet delegates as they check into the hotel.

CEA staff members Jean Dwyer (middle) and Michelle Tine (right) with CEA RA Planning Co-Chairs Patrice Lundgren (left) and Natalie Lynne Smith (seated).

CEA delegates Edgar Roca (left) and Frank May talk in hotel lobby.

CEA staff assist delegates at the NEA RA. From left: Mike Lydick, Michelle Tine, Jean Dwyer, and Elizabeth Antonopoulos.

Delegates relax after their long coast-to-coast flights.