Laws that could fix the crisis facing teachers and public schools are at a critical juncture. Join teachers from around the state for a #RedforEd Fix the Crisis Day of Action.
Please join us to share your stories with lawmakers about the need to pass historic legislation that will stop the teacher shortage crisis in our state.
Never lobbied before? CEA staff will be on hand to walk you through the process, provide talking points, and connect you with your legislators. All you need are your stories about what you see in your classroom every day.
Lawmakers need to hear directly from you about the need to
- Increase teacher salaries
- Enact a COVID pension benefit
- End edTPA
- Require uninterrupted teacher prep time
- Create an Educator Bill of Rights
- And so much more
Join your colleagues in urging legislators to support teachers and take actions that will improve recruitment and retention and enhance the teaching profession.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Be part of the campaign that brings once-in-a-lifetime change to our profession.
If you can’t make it to the Capitol on April 27 legislators still need to hear your story. Are you working two jobs? Covering multiple classrooms? Struggling to help students thrive? Call or email your senator or representative.
Wherever you are on the 27th—at the Capitol, in the classroom, or both—wear your #RedforEd, send your pics to CEA at [email protected], and post to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #fixthecrisis.