CEA staff put together portfolios for CEA’s annual Summer Leadership Conference. At the table, from left, are Ann Stratton, Affiliate and Member Services Associate; Cheryl Hampson, Administration and Finance’s Membership Associate; Linda Carlson, Communications Associate. Behind them are Michelle Tine, Administrative Assistant to the President and Mary Behrens, Affiliate and Member Development Administrative Assistant.
CEA’s Summer Leadership Conference begins Monday and staff are putting the final touches on preparations. Over 600 people are attending this year’s conference, which is being held at Mohegan Sun.
The two and a half day conference features 26 different workshops and mini-sessions on a range of topics. On Monday night, CEA members will be honored during the CEA Awards Dinner. Senator Chris Dodd and National Teacher of the Year Tony Mullen will also speak during the conference.
The Summer Leadership Conference is CEA’s largest annual event and much work goes into the planning for months beforehand. Sue Fulleton, Director of Affiliate and Member Development, Mary Behrens, Affiliate and Member Development Administrative Assistant, and Elizabeth Antonopoulos, Events Planner coordinate the conference.
If you are attending Summer Leadership this year, please remember to
1. Bring your membership ID card with you. There will be opportunities to win a Target gift card at lunch if your membership number is called!
2. Register with ProTraxx to receive CEUs.
I am going to be producing a newsletter of Milford Ed. Assoc. and I am loving the training today. This has been an excellent workshop. What a great time…good food, great company and learning …. a great combination of all good things!
I attended “The New Communications Toolbox: Traditional Newsletters and Much More,” which was excellent. Melanie was a good, patient teacher who answered all our questions (and we had lots) willingly. She also provided us with handouts that we may use in the future when we are composing newsletters on our own. This is the second year I have attended a track taught by personnel of Connecticut Computer Assistants, and I must say that both tracks were worth my while. In fact, on my recommendation, two of my colleagues are attending the technology track that I took last last year, and they are also pleased with it. I hope that you will continue to offer these informative technology tracks, especially since we teachers are required to have a specific number of technology CEU’s. In general, I enjoyed the venue since all events were in close proximity. Great job, CEA!