CEA may be eligible to elect up to 30 state delegates to the NEA RA in 2020. Here are descriptions of the open positions:
Category 1 At-Large/State Delegate: Fifteen Positions (Term: two years)
Category 1 At-Large/Ethnic Minority Concerns: Four Positions (Term: 2
These categories must have Active classroom teachers (Membership Type AC-1) or NEA Life members (Membership Type AC-7) in local affiliates are eligible for these positions.
Aspiring Educators: one Position (Term: 1 Year)
Only Aspiring Educators with a SEA and NEA membership are eligible for this position.
Membership Units: nine positions from specific Membership Units (Term: one year)
Only active members (Membership Type AC-1) or NEA Life members (Membership Type AC-7) who teach in a local CEA affiliate in one of the seventeen Membership Units may be nominated for these positions. The nine open units include E, F, H, J, K, L, M, P & Q.
Unit E:
Bethel, Brookfield, CEA New Milford, Easton, NEA Danbury, New Fairfield, Sherman
Unit F:
Amity, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Woodbridge
Unit H:
ACES, Cheshire, Hamden, North Haven, Wallingford, Wolcott
Unit J:
Berlin, Farmington, Newington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington, Thomaston, Wethersfield
Unit K:
Cromwell, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Rocky Hill
Unit L:
Bloomfield, CREC, East Windsor, Enfield, South Windsor, Suffield, Windsor
Unit M:
Avon, Canton, East Granby, Granby, Simsbury, West Hartford, Windsor Locks
Unit P:
East Lyme, Groton, Ledyard, Montville, New London, North Stonington, Preston, Project LEARN, Stonington, Voluntown, Waterford
Unit Q:
Clinton, East Haddam, East Hampton, Guilford, Haddam-Killingworth, Madison, Old Saybrook, Regional 4, Regional 13, Regional 18, Portland, Westbrook
Category 2 At-Large: One position (Term interim position open this year)
Nominees for the Category 2 At-Large position must be Active members (Membership Type AC-1) in supervisor/administrator positions or NEA Life members (Membership Type AC-7) who are no longer teaching—but only if they are not also NEA-Retired members. (NEA Life membership is a special category terminated in 1973.) Members with Active Life Memberships who are not retired from teaching are eligible for Category 2. NEA-Retired Members for Life (Membership Type RT-7) or annual Retired members (Membership Type RT-8) ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CATEGORY 2
America Lets get behind our teachers, and support more money for our schools for after school programs. Parents do your part at home to help.Good teachers keep up the fight , making administrators, weed our bad teachers.
SOL’s have been used for a number of years now and from most of the parents I know it is largely felt that these are not affective because school systems teach to the test. Teachers are not free to reach to the individual stebent needs vs the SOL requirement to maintain federal funding. What if anything can be done to move away fromthe SOL and more towards a better teaching mechanism.
this country will give tax breaks to the rich before they help our kids
Parents and Students are the 3 most important Components of Education.
Responsibility is Necessary to Achieve Goals.
I believe there are a lot of things to do to improve the education of our children. Increase incentives for the best and the brightest to become teachers; increase teacher to teacher evaluations; stop testing our children to death.
The one thing I haven’t heard people talk about is lowering class size. In Tennessee a 7th grade class can be up to 35 students. I have 50 minutes to teach a class, often with over 20 interruptions per class. And in that time I am supposed to instruct, make individual contact with each kid, grade their work with personal comments, teach at each individual academic level (because we don’t group so no one gets their feelings hurt), know if they are being bullied or if they are bullying, be aware of their demeanor to know if they are involved in drugs or drinking, and make sure none of them are getting overweight, call parents if they are in trouble and if they are not in trouble so parents get good and bad phone calls. I have less than two minutes per child.
If you are serious about improving education. Drop the class size by 5-10 students – across the board. I would also make an argument for teachers looping for 3 years with their students for many of these same reasons.
One of the problems many of us teachers face where evaluation is concerned, is who is actually doing the evaluation. I was once observed by my principal, a former math teacher, and he did not even understand how the project my class was working on was in fact a seven paragraph essay (in another form) and said that instead of doing this project, I should have given a writing assignment?? Very frustrating.