CEA is proud to partner with the Registrars of Voters Association of Connecticut on a month-long, non-partisan voter registration drive in Connecticut’s high schools, beginning May 1, and you can help. Connecticut state law encourages efforts to register students in their schools. The goal is to encourage all students who will be 18 years of age on or before Election Day—November 6—to register to vote. Your help is important, as teachers play a significant role in their students’ academic, social, and civic engagement.
Very important: Be sure that you or your building rep notifies your principal and receives permission to make brief announcements in your class. After getting approval from your principal, please inform students how to register to vote if they are eligible to do so (see recommended language, below). Registration is easy and can be done in person or online, right from a smartphone.
CEA has provided a link (cea.org/vote) that takes students directly to the State of Connecticut’s Online Voter Registration System. We have also designed “Register to Vote” stickers featuring this link for you to provide to students, and we will be distributing these to high school building representatives.
The following is model language for you to encourage your students to exercise their right to vote (feel free to provide this to your principal when seeking permission):
Before we start today, I have an announcement for students who will be eligible to vote this November. If you were born before Nov. 6, 2000, you can register to vote now. And if you register, you are also eligible to vote in the August primaries, even if you are not yet 18. Whether you register for a political party, or as unaffiliated voter, the most important action each one of you can take as adults in our democracy is getting out to vote. But first you have to register in order to be eligible.
There are three ways you can register:
- Online at cea.org/vote. You can use your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer. For online registration, you will need a driver’s license or DMV ID card.
- Visit the Registrar of Voters office in your town/city hall.
- [If pertinent] Register at the school’s registration drive [insert time and place]
You’ll need your driver’s license (or non-driver photo ID from DMV) if you have one, or the last four digits of your Social Security number. You don’t need both—either is fine. Elected officials represent all of us, but it’s up to you to make your voice heard. You can do that when you register to vote.
Please Note: When you speak about registering to vote with students, do not link the effort to any political party or issue. This is strictly about helping students register, and letting them make their own choices. Thank you, in advance, for participating in this important effort.