Many people claim to speak for public education, but teachers turn to their fellow teachers when they want to know the truth about an issue—or a candidate for elected office. That’s why some Danbury teachers are working to get the word out to their fellow educators about Connecticut State House and Senate candidates who are truly pro-public education.
At the kickoff of their “Teacher to Teacher, Talk to Ten” campaign, members of NEA Danbury’s Political Action Committee asked teachers to reach out to colleagues at their school and inform them about House and Senate candidates who are endorsed by CEA.
Teacher volunteers agreed to “Talk to Ten” of their colleagues and inform them of the CEA-endorsed candidates’ overwhelming support of issues of importance to teachers, including:
- delinking SBAC from teacher evaluations,
- fully funding public schools,
- opposing vouchers, and
- protecting teachers’ health care and pensions.
The nearly 50 NEA Danbury teachers who participated received information detailing the candidates’ support for public education causes and accepted the responsibility to contact their fellow teachers.
CEA-endorsed Senate candidate Ken Gucker and House candidates Rep. David Arconti, Rep. Bob Godfrey, and Jeff Tomchick attended the reception and had the opportunity to meet and discuss education concerns and issues with the teachers.
Click here to find out more about CEA-endorsed candidates running for election in your area.