A professional organization for college students preparing for a career
in education
CEA Aspiring Educators program offers unique opportunities in professional development, community outreach, leadership, and networking for future teachers all over the state. These opportunities support and supplement a future teacher’s preparation and entry into the teaching profession. Workshops and conferences are offered on a variety of topics.
Several college campuses have local CEA AE chapters that plan a variety of professional development opportunities and community outreach activities throughout the year, including tutoring and mentoring in local schools, planning and implementing after-school and special event activities in schools, workshops on their campuses, school supply, canned foods, and winter coat drives, an annual Apple Banquet recognizing members’ contributions, and more.
CEA Aspiring Educators are also members (and receive the benefits) of the Connecticut Education Association, the National Education Association, and the NEA Aspiring Educators Program.
What can CEA’s Aspiring Educator Program offer you?
Want to know more about a particular educational issue or teaching technique? CEA-AEP can provide workshops for your chapter on campus! Draw from our pool of experienced educators and staff, who can offer workshops on topics such as learning styles, effective lesson design, thriving (and surviving!) in your first years of teaching, mainstreaming special education students, legal responsibilities of teachers, and much more!
Keeping up with what’s new in the profession can be overwhelming. That’s why CEA-AEP offers special conferences designed especially for students! In addition, as a CEA-AEP member, you have the opportunity to attend any conference CEA helps to sponsor, whether on a local, state, or regional level, at a reduced student registration price!
No matter how you prefer to do it, CEA-AEP offers you the opportunity to network with other students and teachers throughout the state. This is a great way to pick up ideas for your first classroom, solve problems, have key questions answered, and strengthen your ties to your profession!
It’s never too early to identify, develop, and fine-tune your leadership skills – they will serve you well in the classroom! As a CEA-AEP member, you have the opportunity to develop leadership skills as you work with your campus chapter, the state organization, and the NEA Aspiring Educator Program.
Tips on Resume Writing, Job Searching, and Interviewing: Searching for your first teaching position is exciting, but can be a bit intimidating. How can you write a resume that is professional-looking, but stands out from others? What steps should you follow when looking for a position? What are some of the basic “dos and don’ts” of interviewing? CEA-AEP periodically offers workshops, in conjunction with teachers and administrators who sit on hiring committees, to help provide our student members with tips that get them noticed!