Do you have federal student loan debt and need information about repayment and forgiveness programs? Did you hear about the temporary loan forgiveness waiver program for loans and repayment plans that were previously considered ineligible?
Break out your loan information and join CEA and Cambridge Credit Counseling’s joint webinar to learn about income driven repayment options and loan forgiveness programs you may be eligible for based on your existing loan types.
Join CEA Educational Issues Specialist Michele O’Neill and Cambridge Credit Counseling Director of Education Marty Lynch on October 26th from 4-6 PM for a FREE and informative presentation about ways to lessen the impact of student debt.
Did you know…
- That there are over 42 million borrowers with student debt?
- That the average undergraduate debt is around $30,000?
- That YOU may be eligible for debt forgiveness or consolidation because you’re a teacher?
If you answered NO to the questions above, please create an FSA ID by going to and then join CEA Educational Issues Specialist Michele O’Neill and Cambridge Credit Counseling Director of Education Marty Lynch on October 26th from 4-6 PM for a FREE and informative presentation about ways to lessen the impact of student debt!*
(* Please note: While we can provide information, we cannot recommend or suggest courses or action. Borrowers are solely responsible for any determination to enroll in Income-Driven Repayment and/or federal loan forgiveness programs. NEA and CEA and their trainers cannot be held liable for borrowers’ decisions to enroll or not enroll in federal student loan repayment or loan forgiveness programs.)