The CEA Board of Directors last night elected Waterbury teacher Kevin Egan to the office of CEA treasurer. Egan, the president of the Waterbury Teachers Association, says he is committed to exercising the fiduciary responsibilities of the position with the highest standards of care and restraint.
As CEA enters a new era in the history of labor organizing, Egan says he will do his utmost to ensure that the Association continues to “maintain diligent management of the funds that our member teachers from all over Connecticut faithfully contribute to CEA every year.”
In addition to his years serving as president of the Waterbury Teachers Association, Egan has served on the CEA Board of Directors, has been elected as an alternate director to the NEA Board of Directors, and has held many roles at the local level.
A vacancy existed for the office of CEA treasurer due to the election of past treasurer Tom Nicholas to the office of CEA vice president at the CEA Representative Assembly (RA) in May. The CEA Constitution and CEA election policies state that, when a vacancy exists in such a case, the treasurer shall be elected by the CEA Board of Directors until the next meeting of the CEA RA, at which time delegates to the RA shall elect a successor for the unexpired term.