CEA President Sheila Cohen convened the 169th CEA Representative Assembly.
Saying that 2017 has brought more changes and challenges than ever before, CEA President Sheila Cohen urged the nearly 400 member delegates at the CEA Representative Assembly (RA) today to be agents of change.
“We now exist in a new normal—and we can’t be on the sidelines of history,” Cohen said.
Mark Waxenberg, who will retire as CEA Executive Director in June, echoed Cohen’s call to action.
“We are facing a tremendous budgetary challenge at the State Capitol due to the deficit that we have in the state of Connecticut,” Waxenberg said. “Proposals that would shift the cost of teacher pensions from the state to cities and towns would have a tremendous impact in our classrooms—I urge you all to be advocates and speak out against this.”
Waxenberg urged all delegates to bring a carload of colleagues with them to the State Capitol on May 18 for the Keep Your Promise Rally.
“We need to show that we’re united, not just about funding teacher retirement, but we’re united around funding public education. Legislators need to be reminded to do the right thing and support our students and our profession,” Waxenberg said.

Westport teacher John Horrigan was reelected as an NEA Director.
Delegates at CEA’s annual assembly voted on new business items, adopted Association policies, and reelected Westport teacher John Horrigan (who ran unopposed) as an NEA Director.
Delegates also voted to approve a $22 million budget with a five dollar dues increase for CEA members next year.
Watch for more information in the May-June issue of the CEA Advisor.