Budget cuts are hurting schools around the state. From Norwich to Farmington, teachers are speaking out and drawing attention to the damage cuts will inflict on student learning.
In Avon, almost 1,000 school supporters came out in force for a rally and to attend a public budget hearing on April 5. The Hartford Courant wrote about the event and Fox 61 had video coverage.
The board of finance ignored the public outcry and made cuts to education funding. However, according to today’s Courant, “Acting Superintendent Jody Goeler said this week that the district’s original reduction list — a spreadsheet of potential program and staff cuts should the board of finance slash the 2010-11 school budget — was created in a few days last month ‘without carefully considering all the implications.’ … The school board plans special meetings on April 27 and May 4 to discuss spending cuts, and in the meantime, Goeler said, he welcomes ideas from the community.”
In an effort to build public support about the severity of the budget crisis, some local education associations with CEA assistance have placed ads in local papers or on radio stations. A newspaper ad from the Education Association of Cheshire is above and one from the Farmington Education Association is at right.
The Norwich Teachers League aired the radio ad below.
What is the situation in your town? Are teachers, students, and parents speaking up to defend education? Share in the comments.