At a ceremony in her honor at East Hampton Middle School this week, long-time State Rep. Gail Hamm heard from teachers how much they have appreciated her work on their behalf. Rep. Hamm received the CEA Salutes Award and a $250 contribution in her honor to a scholarship fund at an event organized by the East Hampton Education Association (EHEA).

Celebrating from left to right are, East Hampton Education Association President Rob Wyllie, Rep. Art Linares, Hamm’s husband Alan Hurst, Rep. Gail Hamm, Rep. Melissa Ziobron, and CEA Treasurer Tom Nicholas.
EHEA President Rob Wyllie lauded Hamm’s outstanding work and service in the state legislature and as a member of the East Hampton Board of Education. Hamm retired from the legislature in 2012 after the completion of her seventh term as a state representative.
Wyllie was joined by CEA Treasurer Tom Nicholas, school leaders, legislators, and more than 50 teachers. Those assembled described Hamm as an outstanding public servant who has worked tirelessly for children, parents, teachers, and public education. Nicholas presented Hamm with the contribution toward a scholarship that will benefit an East Hampton High School graduate who plans to pursue a career working with children.