With the 2019 Connecticut General Assembly in session, CEA is working closely with elected and appointed officials on measures critical to you and your profession. We are actively pursuing legislation addressing classroom safety, pension protections, sick school buildings, and other important issues affecting teachers and students. (See CEA’s Legislative Priorities here.)
CEA is also closely watching many proposals, such as those to weaken unions, establish school vouchers, and regionalize or consolidate school districts. Our staff is working to protect your ability to be effective with your students, improve working conditions, and advocate for funding to avoid increasing class sizes, prevent job reductions, and safeguard salary and benefits.
Our success depends on strong involvement from members like you.
Watch your inbox for CEA Action Alerts on teacher pensions, classroom safety, and other key issues. Action Alerts will give you the status of a certain legislative proposal and let you know what you can do to help defeat it or move it forward. Actions that teachers can take include emailing their legislators, making phone calls, or attending teacher-legislator get-togethers organized by CEA and local associations.