Recognizing excellent educators and great local associations that excel at communicating with members shines a spotlight on dedicated teachers going above and beyond for their students and communities.
The goal of the CEA Awards Program is to honor excellence in education and recognize those who make significant contributions to the betterment of public education. CEA is now accepting nominations for awards, including the CEA Local Association Newsletter and Website Awards. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, 2022.
Find a list of all CEA awards.
Below is a summary of the awards. You can nominate yourself or a colleague.
ABCD Award (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty)
Each year, the ABCD Award recognizes an individual CEA member for outstanding actions on behalf of a student or students, fellow teachers, the community, or public education. Because of the impact of the pandemic on all our lives, we will also provide special recognition for teachers whose extraordinary efforts have been directed at helping students, colleagues, or community members through the pandemic.
CEA Cliff Silvers Education Advocacy Award
CEA’s Clifford Silvers Education Advocacy Award is presented to a group or individual member of the education community. It is awarded to an active CEA member or other active education stakeholder who has dedicated his or her life to supporting students and who continues making outstanding contributions to the improvement of the teaching profession and promoting excellence in public education.
The CEA Salutes Award recognizes individuals and organizations for their commitment to public education. CEA members as well as individuals and groups outside the teaching profession may be nominated.
Charles B. Kelly Local Media Award
Named in honor of the person who served as CEA Communications Director for nearly a decade (1982-1991), this award honors persons and organizations that have shown support for teachers and public education through local news coverage in newspapers, radio, or television
Thomas P. Mondani Friend of Education Award
CEA’s most prestigious award is presented at the CEA Representative Assembly in May. The award is named after Thomas P. Mondani, who served as CEA executive director from 1971 to 1994. It is awarded to one individual or group outside of education for outstanding efforts or advocacy on behalf of teachers, students, or public education.
CEA Local Association Newsletter Award
Newsletters are an excellent means of bringing your Association’s message to your members. To qualify for a CEA award, your newsletter must be published at least three times a year and include articles of interest to members. Newsletters may be print or digital.
CEA Local Association Website Award
A website is an excellent way to keep your members informed and up-to-date on the issues of importance to the teaching profession and public education. Entries in this category will be judged on content, usability, and design.