Key Education Bills Advance

It’s been a banner week for education priorities at the state legislature, with many bills and resolutions moving closer to being adopted. Key among these is SB 381, which includes a COVID credit for teachers, enhanced starting salaries, just cause provisions, restoring good faith to the DCF mandated reporting process, and much more. 

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Continue the Fight to Repeal WEP/GPO

We’ve made significant progress in our efforts to repeal WEP/GPO, but there’s still work to be done. Please take a minute to send an email to a short list of U.S. senators using our convenient one-click system, so we can ensure that this issue remains a priority on Capitol Hill.

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Learn How You Can Reduce Your Student Debt

Loan forgiveness can make a big difference to teachers’ economic security. Darien teacher Brian O’Neill had more than $30,000 in student debt forgiven, which has enabled his family to take on the costs of home repairs and vehicle purchases they had had to put off when he was still saddled with debt payments.

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