The 2020 session of the Connecticut General Assembly begins tomorrow. Though it’s a short session (three months compared to the five the legislature meets in odd-numbered years), it’s sure to be packed with many issues for lawmakers to tackle.
Stay up to date on all the education-related happenings at the legislature this session by subscribing to BlogCEA. Every week this month new subscribers to BlogCEA will have the chance to win a $25 Target gift card. Winners will be drawn every Friday.
Based on your feedback, some of the issues around which CEA will be seeking legislation this session include education funding, collective bargaining, health insurance, DCF and workers compensation, sick school buildings, and trauma and social-emotional supports for students.
The CEA Government Relations Department is also closely watching any proposals that would weaken unions or teacher pensions, establish school vouchers, or otherwise harm public education. CEA staff is working to protect your ability to be effective with your students, improve working conditions, and advocate for funding to avoid increasing class sizes, prevent job reductions, and safeguard salary and benefits.
Stay tuned to BlogCEA for all the news that impacts you, your students, and your profession.