CEA President Sheila Cohen and Vice President Jeff Leake offer their thanks to Connecticut educators.
On this, Teacher Appreciation Day, we want to thank all of you for your hard work, enthusiasm, and dedication to making a real difference in students’ lives.
As teachers ourselves, we appreciate your commitment and devotion. Teaching is a challenge, but you give it your best and provide your students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
We commend your generosity and selflessness. It’s no surprise to us that you give your time freely to help students before, during, and after school.
To those of you who are active in your local and/or state association, please know that we appreciate your involvement. Your leadership is paramount as we work together to address the critical issues that affect your students and your profession—always providing an informed voice in the public education debate.
Never forget that your efforts are always appreciated. We hope that you are recognized this week—Teacher Appreciation Week—in ways big and small. You are so deserving of all that this week signifies.
A message from your CEA leadership team – President Sheila Cohen, Vice President Jeff Leake, Secretary Cheryl Prevost, Treasurer Tom Nicholas, and Executive Director Mark Waxenberg.
Apropos of Teacher Appreciation Day, here is a poem I obtained years ago:
Each night
I regenerate
The parts of me that
Nurture and feed,
Coax and guide,
Comfort and calm
Laugh and cry,
Reach out and remind,
Organize and alphabetize
Expand and diversity,
Celebrate and excite,
Spark and
Each child
Demands it.
Bernie Schreiber
March 29,