Studies show that students of all backgrounds, but especially students of color, benefit from learning from teachers of color. CEA has several ongoing initiatives to support diversifying the teaching profession and the union, and a recent event gave CEA members the chance to make inroads on both fronts.

CEA EMAC members Bridgeport teacher Mia Dimbo, Bloomfield teacher Glenn Spencer, and retired Hebron teacher Althea Carr talked with educators at a networking session at a recent conference.
Members of CEA’s Ethnic Minority Affairs Commission (EMAC) staffed a table during the networking portion of a conference on diversity, inclusion, and equity in the school workforce in order to have conversations with active and aspiring educators about CEA and EMAC. The conference, organized by the Connecticut Alliance of Regional Educational Service Centers, was open to all members of Connecticut’s education community.
“People are inundated with handouts and other forms of literature all the time so this conference provided CEA and EMAC with a great opportunity to meet and speak one-on-one with individuals, sharing our organization’s goal of promoting ethnic minority issues,” says retired Hebron teacher Althea Carr. “We let them know how to contact CEA and local EMAC leaders to become involved.”
Hamden teacher Loretha Felton says, “As an educator and member of CEA and EMAC, I attended the event in order to join my voice to the courageous conversations about addressing diversity, inclusion, and equity concerns in the school workforce and to demonstrate my commitment to be an intentional part of the change process.”
“Our profession is at the forefront of major systemic changes, with regards to student achievement and learning. Students need educators who know their struggles, identify with their diversity, and can nurture them into well-rounded, educated, and productive citizens,” says Bloomfield teacher and EMAC member Glenn Spencer. “Educators of color must be an essential part of this strategic shift in providing safe and nurturing learning environments. Thus, the role of CEA/EMAC becomes vitally important as we, members in leadership roles, can provide support, mentoring, and essential insight into the changes forthcoming.”
To get involved with CEA and EMAC, contact Orlando Rodriguez or Ray Rossomando at 860-725-6327 or [email protected].

Hamden Education Association member Loretha Felton talks with a conference attendee.