Kristen Basiaga, president of the Glastonbury Education Association, records a podcast episode with CEA President Kate Dias and Vice President Joslyn DeLancey.

Your Voice Is Needed

Turning out for CEA’s #RedforEd Day of Action this Thursday is key to getting teacher priorities over the finish line. While the legislature’s Appropriations Committee failed to advance a landmark education bill on Friday, there are still ways to enact key components of that bill and others into law. 

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It’s Not Over

The legislature’s Appropriations Committee failed to take action on a landmark education bill with major implications for teachers, paraeducators, and students. The fight, however, is not over.

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Group Counseling Tailored to Teachers

As an educator you’ve seen firsthand how students’ mental health has suffered under the combined weight of a global pandemic, the twin challenges of underserved communities and underresourced schools, attacks on public schools that are political and physical, and everything in between.

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