CEA Executive Director Mark Waxenberg (at right) was interviewed by CT Radio Network’s Steve Kotchko for a spot that aired Sunday morning on several CT radio stations.
CEA leaders are speaking out about the governor’s budget proposal, the need for the state to invest in all public schools, Betsy DeVos, and more.
During a recent appearance on WDRC AM, CEA Executive Director Mark Waxenberg told Brad Davis that the governor’s proposal to foist one-third of teacher pension costs onto towns and cities would have unintended, long-term consequences on our next generation of students.
“It creates a significant amount of stress on the local community,” Waxenberg said. Listen to the entire interview below.
Mark Waxenberg on WDRC
CEA Director of Policy, Research, and Reform Donald Williams joined educators on WNPR’s “Where We Live” show Friday to discuss how U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will impact public schools. Listen below.
WNPR Show on Betsy DeVos
Waxenberg was also interviewed by CT Radio Network’s Steve Kotchko about the governor’s budget proposals for a piece that aired on several radio stations Sunday morning, February 19. Watch excerpts from the interview below.