Naugatuck High teacher Anthony Sorge asked Governor Malloy why he had proposed eliminating funding to the Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance Fund at a recent meeting in Naugatuck.
Your colleagues have made numerous calls urging legislators to continue the state’s contribution to the Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance Fund. Please join your colleagues and keep up the effort.
The legislature’s Appropriations Committee is still weighing whether state dollars will be put into the fund for the next two years and every call makes a difference.
Naugatuck teachers are among the many who are speaking to elected officials about this important issue. At a recent town hall meeting in Naugatuck, teachers told Governor Malloy about the impact the cut in funding would have on them.
Naugatuck High School teacher Anthony Sorge asked the governor why he has proposed eliminating state funding to the Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance Fund. The governor said that the state is still experiencing difficult economic times and mentioned that the legislature can decide to move money around and reinstate dollars to the fund.

Retired teacher Jeanne Scheithe told Malloy she is concerned about the impact on the fund of eliminating the state’s contribution for two years.
Jeanne Scheithe, a retired Naugatuck teacher, raised concerns about the impact that the elimination of state dollars two years in row would have on the fund — especially on top of the reduced state contribution to the fund this year and last.
Thank you to the Naugatuck teachers and everyone else who have been calling, emailing, and meeting with your elected officials. Teachers’ voices are being heard.
Please continue to call your state representative and state senator and ask them to ensure that the budget restores state funding to the Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance Fund. You can look up your legislators here.
- House Democrats: 1-800-842-1902
- House Republicans: 1-800-842-1423
- Senate Democrats: 1-800-842-1420
- Senate Republicans: 1-800-842-1421
Read additional details about the Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance Fund here.