Recovery for All demands equity, resources
Lawmakers are working on a proposed state budget that flat-funds education, and that’s taking us in the wrong direction. As we struggle to recover from the pandemic, schools need additional funding to address students’ needs, and communities deserve a state budget that gives everyone the opportunity to succeed. Two bills (SB 821 and HB 6187) being considered by our legislature would fully fund our schools and other essential services our students so desperately need. Without these bills:
- Our schools will face catastrophic funding cuts in personnel and programs when federal funding runs out.
- Pay increases for educators, increased staffing, and upgrades to buildings are OFF the table
- Students will not have the resources and counselors they need to succeed
- High-quality public education is at risk
Click here to urge your lawmakers to support SB 821 and HB 6187 and provide the funding our students and communities deserve. Share your stories about how you have been working tirelessly, on a shoestring budget, to support students who suffer from food insecurity, housing inequality, racism, mental health issues, and trauma.
Come learn more about an educator-led campaign to fully fund our schools and other essential services. Join the next meeting of the Recovery for All coalition and make your teacher voice heard.
Building Reps: Please print and post this flyer to your faculty breakroom.