A message from CEA President Sheila Cohen regarding the Foundations of Reading Survey.
I am forwarding to you a memo from the State Department of Education that was sent to all Superintendents.
There have been numerous and different concerns raised regarding the Foundations of Reading Survey, concerns that include its administration, how the results will be reported, to whom the results will be reported, where the results will be stored, and how the results will be used in driving professional development and student instruction.
For now, the timeline has been pushed back until late fall. We will keep you informed as developments occur.
Thank You for all you do every single day!!
From: Nemr, Georgette [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 4:28 PM
To: Reading Survey
Cc: Barzee, Sarah; Pugliese, Nancy
Subject: Reading Survey UPDATE
Importance: High
Dear Reading Survey Liaisons:
Due to questions that have arisen about the implementation of the Reading Survey, the survey administration window dates have been delayed until late fall. We will continue to communicate updates about the status of the survey as soon as we reach a decision about the new administration dates.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please forward them to our dedicated email address [email protected].
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and your teachers in the scheduling of the reading survey administration for the fall. Thank you for your assistance and patience.
Georgette Nemr
Bureau of Educator Standards & Certification Connecticut State Department of Education