The Henry Barnard Fund
Henry Barnard Fund helps retired teachers who are experiencing financial difficulty — especially teachers who retired before the Enhancement Act was passed. Click here for inquiries or donations.

CEA-Retired members work with CEA and NEA to improve pension and health benefits, public education, and the teaching profession and lobby lawmakers on important issues.

CEA-Retired provides social and community service events and volunteer opportunities to help you stay connected. Learn how you can get involved.



Committed Champions Continue to Pave the Way

At their annual Spring Business Meeting CEA-Retired members gathered to make changes to their constitution, elect representatives, learn the latest on state and federal legislation, and hear remarks from NEA-Retired president Anita Gibson.


Member Spotlight: Althea Carr

After more than three decades in the classroom—11 years in Mansfield and 20 in Hebron—CEA-Retired member Althea Carr has blazed a few trails. She was the first in her local education association to participate in an NEA Representative Assembly and the only teacher of color in her district.

Group of hands raised in the air, high fiving one another.

23 CEA Members Elected to Local Offices

Voters turned out in cities and towns across Connecticut yesterday. Thank you to all of you who voted in local elections and made your voice heard.


Retired Teachers Talk State and National Legislative Priorities

CEA-Retired’s annual fall conference provided members with the opportunity to connect with one another and hear from CEA and CEA-Retired leaders about legislation the organizations will be pushing in Congress and the State Legislature this year.


Vote for CEA-Retired Members to Represent You on the Teachers’ Retirement Board

CEA-Retired has endorsed two members to represent you on the State Teachers’ Retirement Board—a board that is critical to the successful administration of your teacher pension and retiree healthcare benefits. 


CEA-Retired Helps Move Profession into the Future

More than 125 retired educators gathered at the Aqua Turf on May 17 for the CEA-Retired Annual Spring Business Meeting to hear about legislative and Congressional updates regarding teacher retirement as well as other issues relevant to retired and active educators.


Member Spotlight: Gloria Brown—A life of service

She spent 37 years in Wolcott, teaching middle school math, 6th grade, and elementary gifted and talented. She got involved with her local teacher’s union, the WEA, early, and served many years as their president.


CEA-Retired President Participates in National Conference

CEA-Retired President William Murray, who attended the three-day event, said, “The focus of the NEA-Retired Conference was to illustrate and enhance the importance of the retired membership. We want active and retired members to know that retired teachers are a vital contributing group within NEA. We represent 11% of the association’s total membership.”


Cost of Living Adjustments

Social Security has announced that they will be granting a cost of living increase of 1.3% for the current year. Based on the statutes governing Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) for CTRB members, the Connecticut Teachers’ Retirement Board will be granting COLA as follows.


Share Your Story

Are you affected by the Government Pension Offset (GPO) or the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)? Please share your story by contacting us!


Get Your Yankees and Red Sox Tickets

Whether you’re a Yankees fan or you root for the Sox, teachers are on the winning side with both teams offering teacher appreciation day games this season!


Retiring Music Teacher Turns Original Song into Children’s Book

Every educator who taught through the pandemic had to improvise to make instruction meaningful while keeping students safe and engaged. For Carol Rossetti (pictured at right with her grandson), that…


CEA-Retired Members Take Home Spotlight Award at National Meeting

NEA-Retired President Sarah Borgman presented CEA-Retired members with the NEA-Retired Spotlight Award for best retiree news in a state publication.


During Pandemic Retired Teachers Stay Engaged and Involved

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, CEA-Retired members are still meeting, volunteering, and staying engaged—virtually. At the CEA-Retired Annual Fall Conference yesterday nearly 200 retirees joined a Zoom call to hear the…


Update Your Information with STRB

When folks fill out their application for retirement, whether deliberately trying to keep their personal e-mail address less available or because they think the form deals with teaching, they use…


Underfunding by Legislature Leads to Changes to Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance

A change to the retired teachers’ health insurance program that was adopted by the State Teachers’ Retirement Board (TRB) th9is month will impact retired teachers and spouses who are on—or will soon be on—the TRB’s Medicare supplement (65 and older) plan.


CEA-Retired Calendar of Events

Attend a CEA-Retired County Meeting and stay connected to the latest news and developments that impact you in your retirement years.


Lessons on Involvement and Activism Focus of CEA-Retired Conference

“As you know, many groups out there in the wider world, don’t like unions but they also don’t like pensions. They’re out to cut down pensions and undermine them in…


CEA-Retired Members Elect New Leaders, Commit to Continued Activism

Elections and activism took center stage at today’s CEA-Retired meeting at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington, where members voted for leaders to represent them and learned more about federal…


Retired Teachers Lobby Legislators to Support Teacher Pensions and More

In an overwhelming turnout for Retired Teachers Lobby Day, hundreds of former Connecticut educators gathered at the Legislative Office Building this morning to meet with their elected officials about issues…


Member Spotlight: Bob Brown

Bob Brown has been an advocate for children, teachers, public education, peace, and justice for his entire adult life. Why? In his words, “I grew up in a very difficult…


Retired Teachers Urged to Speak Up and Vote

“Today is a very special day—not only because we’re here together in an air conditioned space instead of in a hot and humid classroom,” CEA President Jeff Leake told members…


Retired Teachers Applaud Legislative Funding, Ready to Stay Active and Engaged

“Those of you who went to retired lobby day, who reached out to your legislators, I can’t thank you enough,” CEA Executive Director Donald Williams told members of CEA-Retired gathered…


CEA-Retired Member’s Work Highlighted by NEA

NEA Today is featuring retired educators who are still making a difference—and one of those highlighted is Connecticut’s own Jon-Paul Roden. A former CEA-Retired president, Roden was recently elected to…